Ceramic Classes

I teach four regular weekday ceramic courses at Northlight Art Studio’s in Hebden Bridge on Wednesday afternoons and a Wednesday evening class and Thursday morning and afternoon. The classes normally run in blocks of 10 weeks in term time. All levels welcome! New term starts 23rd April 2025

Weekend Workshops and Summer Schools

Ceramics Big Weekender 2025 An immersive weekend of clay, Have a go at all things ceramics, from coiling to slab to even a little go on the wheel (if you like!) Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th April 10am to 4pm £160 (book through Northlights)

Coloured Clay £150 17th and 18th April 2025

A weekend exploring coloured clay from Nerikomi, agateware and inlay to slips to form slab build forms and tiles

Clay Figure Weekend   £150 14th and 15th June

Working in clay to explore the human figure, using a life model with the transition from two to three dimensions. 

Combining modelling skills including pinching, coiling and extrusion to represent the human form 

The Ceramic Surface £220  14th, 15th and 16th July

A three day summer workshop to really immerse yourself in playful decoration of the ceramic surface. Using slips and underglazes, traditions slip trailing to stencilling. This  workshop is an introduction to surface design using  wet and firm surfaces. Using coloured clay slips and underglazes you will experiment with traditional tools, techniques, transfers and layers to develop decorative themes. Using a range of tools from slip trailing, brushing, mono printing,  stencils and sgraffito. You will get the opportunity to really experiment with wet slip decorating and traditional pottery techniques.

Book and view courses through Northlight Art School’s website

